Category Archives: Cool Stuff

17 Photos of Our Favorite Pets

Are you a cat person? Dog person? Gecko person? Well, you’ve come to the right place! Here are some darling pictures of our awesome pets that remind us how much we love them.


1. Fireworks season

2. It’s a gecko

3. Big blue puppy-dog eyes

4. Someone made a mistake

5. He’s living the good life–and he knows it!

6. Always photogenic

7. His name is Henry


8. Just cute!

9. Best friends

10. Nibble time!

11. Here are the kitchen assistants! 

12. Just a little car nap

13. What is this??

14. Here’s the most loyal doctor you’ll ever have!

15. This hedgehog is tired of being six

16. Time for a snack!

17. He’s quite proud of himself.

All pictures from Reddit unless otherwise noted.

16 Magical Pictures of Beautiful Places

Bad news: You probably won’t see all of these sights in person in your lifetime. Good news: You can absolutely see pictures displaying the best of the best, right here and right now!


1. Mt. Rainier in Washington, sunrise, Autumn, USA


2. Unicorn Peak, Mt. Rainier National Park, Washington, USA


3. Lake Superior, Pukaskwa National Park, Ontario, Canada


4. Northern Italy


5. Teton Range, Wyoming, USA


6. Winter sunrise, Dunedin, New Zealand


7. Olympic Park, Washington, USA


8. Schilthorn, Switzerland


9. Near Big Turk Mountain, Silverton, Colorado, USA


10. Lake Tahoe, Arizona, USA


11. Kauaian Jungle, Kauai, Hawaii, USA


12. Lake Como, Menaggio, Italy


13. Ngozumpa Glacier, Nepal


14. Skogafoss, Skogar, Iceland


15. Idaho Springs, Colorado, USA


16. Early morning, Mt. Evans, Colorado, USA


17 Interesting Pictures

They say never to use the word “interesting” in the description, but that’s about the best we can think of for these 17 pictures.

one Apparently, two wizards were sealed into a slab of wood during a duel. Here’s the proof.


2. Presenting… the bottom of a treefrog.


3. What if stairs went side to side instead of top to bottom?


4. A branch that looks like a question mark.


5. Sent from my iPad!


6. Flowers that look like galaxies in space!


7. A bench made with nickels.


8. This cup was perfectly broken by accident.


9. A cup left this yin-yang symbol on the table


10. Someone stamped “Indian Killer” on this $20 bill from the bank.


11. This window’s condensation looks like Darth Vader.


12. This slice of bread has an extra crust.


13. Complete with matching moth!


14. For when you don’t know whether you want red or yellow bell peppers.


15. I understand skipping floor 13, but this building doesn’t have an 11th floor!


16. A fly gets its mouth stuck on a popsicle.


17. One black tile.


17 Fascinating Wikipedia Pages (You Never Knew Existed)

Chances are, most of us have used Wikipedia at some point. It’s one of the best free research tools out there (source:, and the information is growing every day. But some of the articles on it are–well–niche. Here are some of the weirdest.


1. Grunting in Tennis.

Many tennis players grunt while swinging, and some people find it obnoxious. However, many tennis players and psychologists agree that it helps with the rhythm of the game.


2. Taiping Heavenly Kingdom

In the 1850s, an army led by a Chinese man who claimed to be Jesus’ younger brother attempted to replace Chinese religions with his version of Christianity and abolish and reform many aspects of Qing dynasty China. They were eventually defeated by the Qing government with the help of France and the UK.

3. Sackbut

These primitive trombones are simpler than modern instruments and were most popular during the Rennaissance and Baroque periods. Today they are mostly used for period pieces.

4. List of Defunct Amusement Parks

If you have a taste for the macabre, you should check out Wikipedia’s official list of defunct amusement parks. Be prepared for some good times and some… well, not so good.

5. The Mudflap Girl

This recognizable icon, best known as The Mudflap Girl, has represented the trucking industry since the ’70s. It’s now a pop culture icon which has been adapted for libraries, a chicken company, and feminism.

6. Mormon Handcart Pioneers

There were exactly ten companies of Mormons who traveled West pulling handcarts over four years, and two of them met with disaster. This page has everything you could possibly want to know about it.

7. The United States of Greater Austria

Austria had its share of political strife before World War I, and for a while, scholars proposed dividing the country into separate states to add more autonomy and lessen the frustration. The plan never came to pass.

8. Vehicle Registration Plates in Australia

Have you ever caught yourself looking at Australian cars and motorcycles and wondering what it all meant? No? Well, this will explain everything–letters, numbers, dates, slogans, colors, and more!

9. FP-45 Liberator

The FP-45 Liberator was a single shot pistol manufactured for use by resistance fighters during World War II, but never actually used (to anyone’s knowledge). It was never issued to soldiers, and very few records were kept of it.

10. Ten Little Injuns

“Ten Little Injuns” was written by Septimus Winner in 1868, and variations of it are still popular today. The original song begins with a Mr. John Brown who has an American Indian boy. The boy grows into ten and then back into one.

11. Abul-Abbas (Charlemagne’s Pet Elephant)

There are many records of the Asian elephant that Abbasid caliph Harun al-Rashid gave Charlemagne, and the elephant’s life is considerably documented.

12. Triskaidekaphobia

This page is all about the fear of the number 13, which dates back hundreds, or possibly thousands, of years. It’s still common for tall buildings not to include the thirteenth floor.

13. February 30

Before you put something off until February 30, you might want to read this. It’s more real than you might think.

14. The Phantom Time Hypothesis

The Phantom Time Hypothesis is a conspiracy theory that originated in 1991 and was first proposed by Herribert Illig. This hypothesis claims that a large chunk of the Middle Ages was actually fabricated and that we are currently only in the year 1719 instead of 2016.

15. Colorless Green Ideas Sleep Furiously

This sentence was constructed by famed linguist Noam Chomsky. It’s both grammatically correct and nonsensical, and you’ll get a headache if you think about it too long.

16. Nicholas If-Jesus-Christ-Had-Not-Died-For-Thee-Thou-Hadst-Been-Damned Barbon

Barbon, as we’ll call him, was actually an economist in the 1600s who helped pioneer fire insurance. But that was his real name.

17. Project Steve


Project Steve was named after scientist Stephen J. Gould, and originally it was intended to gather the signatures of 100 pro-evolution, anti-intelligent design scientists named Steve. The current list stands at approximately 1400 Steves with more coming in all the time.

15 Incredible Free Resources on The Internet

The Internet is filled with scams, advertisements, and rumors… but there’s also a lot of awesome free stuff that just a few decades ago would have been impossible to access (Lumpy Guppy, for one…). Let’s take a look at some of the finer things.


1. Wikipedia

Many people still don’t think of Wikipedia as a trustworthy resource, but it’s actually about as accurate as the Encyclopedia Britannica (only with more current and updated articles). You can look up pretty much anything on Wikipedia, in pretty much any language. Even Klingon.


2. Google

This includes the search engine, but also Gmail, Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Maps, YouTube, and a funky new doodle every day.


3. Free Products in Exchange for Honest Reviews

There are many sites that offer free products for reviews, and if you know the right ones to sign up with, you can snag tons of amazing deals in the process. The recommended site is


4. Classic Books

Project Gutenberg has all sorts of classic literature available online for free. You will never be without reading materials again!


5. Language Learning Materials

Pick a language, any language. The Internet can provide everything you’d need to learn it to fluency. Want a quick start? Try Duolingo. Completely free.


6. Linux

There’s no reason to pay for Windows when you could use Linux for free. Plus, pretty much every major corporation uses it–and it’s easier to switch to than you’d think. Check it out here.


7. Computer Customizations

Don’t like Internet Explorer? Switch to Chrome. Want your favorite picture as your computer wallpaper? Download it and set it up. Writing, programming, music and photography apps are largely free online.


8. Handouts and Samples

Ok, these were still available a few decades ago. But now there are a whole lot more! Find some of them on Reddit here.


9. Fanfiction

Fanfiction often gets a bad rap for being poorly written and largely pornographic. But there’s a lot of good stuff out there, too! Pick your favorite stories and look up what’s out there. You’ll be surprised (and hooked).


10. The Library of Congress Digital Collections

This collection includes movies, pictures, and documents free for download. Check it out!


11. College Courses

No time or money to go back to school? No problem! While these sites won’t be able to grant you a diploma, you can learn anything you want to professional standards by checking out the free courses on Udemy, CreativeLive, and Khan Academy.


12. Advice

Do you want to know if it’s worth flying first class? Or if you should quit your job to work from home full time? Quora and Ask Yahoo both offer unlimited question asking for free, and many of the answers come from experts on the topic.


13. Free Credit Report offers detailed credit reports for free and is a great way to catch anything that might have slipped your records–and know how you stand compared to your peers.


14. TV Shows

Hulu and lots of TV channels now offer shows for free, so you don’t have to worry about paying for cable anymore!


15. Free Editing isn’t just an online proofreader and spellchecker. It will tell you what words you’re over-using, what passages might be hard to understand, and how many cliches you’re using. It might make you cry–but you can be confident that your writing will be much better.


14 Facts about Outer Space that are out of This World!

Outer space has always been cool. People have been telling stories about it since the days of Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt, and in the past fifty years, our knowledge about space has been revolutionized. Here are fourteen of the most mindblowing facts to consider.


1. Gravitational waves in space have been theorized for about a hundred years but weren’t discovered until February (read more here). These waves were caused by two black holes (also just recently discovered for real) colliding.


2. A neutron star is so dense if you dropped a gummy bear from one meter above the ground, it would hit the surface in a nanosecond at around 7,000,000 kilometers (about 4,349,598 miles) per hour with the force of 1,000 nuclear bombs.


3. Space is only about sixty-two miles up (flying cars, anyone?).


4. Our galaxy, the Milky Way, and the Andromeda Galaxy are scheduled to collide in a few billion years. Don’t start counting down to doomsday yet, though–the space between planets and stars individually is so great that there is almost no chance that anything will collide with anything else.


5. A day on Venus is longer than a year on Venus.


6. If you were sucked into space, your skin would actually protect you from the vacuum just fine so long as you could keep it from bulging out.


7. The sun makes up for 99.8% of the mass in our solar system. Feel small, yet?


8. It takes more fuel to go from the surface of Earth to space than from earth orbit to out of the solar system.


9. Space is expanding faster than the universe is. That means that things are constantly disappearing from reality as they pass over the edge.


10. The Fermi Paradox: Considering how big space is, there should be other intelligent species. So… where are they?


11. Space has a smell. You can read more about that here.


12. The moon is so far away that all of the planets in our solar system could fit between it and the earth.


13. HD 189733b is a cloudy blue planet that, at first glance, seems a lot like Earth… except that the surface is about 2000º F during the day and that it rains molten glass. Sideways.


14. If our sun was the size of a white blood cell, the Milky Way would be the size of the United States… and that’s just one galaxy.


15 Treehouses from Your Dreams

A lot of us played in treehouses as kids. Treehouses are fun–simple, customizable, relaxing and the perfect place to inspire the imagination. These aren’t the treehouses you grew up with, though–these are serious works of art!













































14 Gorgeous Pictures of Big Cats

There’s a reason the Internet is obsessed with cats: cats are awesome. They’re cute, they’re playful, and they’re bursting with personality. While most Internet cats are of the house variety, here are some stunning pictures/gifs/videos of bigger cats that are just as incredible.


“I’m a big cat–not a smart cat.” -via








A cat is a cat is a cat… via imgur











These Amur Leopards are some of the rarest big cats on Earth! – via









18 Mindblowing Facts about The Ocean

While the sea is something that many of us take for granted, there is still a lot that we don’t know about it. And a lot that we do know still isn’t common knowledge. Here are a few things that will shock you about the deep blue waters.


1. Most oxygen on Earth comes from phytoplankton on the Earth, not trees.


2. It’s possible that since we have explored such a low percent of the ocean, there are other intelligent creatures down there, unable to explore the surface. We might not be alone…


3. When we swim in the ocean, we’re part of the food chain. And we’re not at the top.


4. The ocean contains mountains and volcanoes taller than Mt. Everest.



5. That exists.


6. If you look up at a jet at its highest altitude, basically when it’s like a speck in the sky with a vapor trail, that’s how a boat the size of that jet would look if you were at the bottom of the Marianas trench. That’s how deep the ocean really is.


7. We’ve explored more of space than of our own oceans.


8. In regards to life, much of the Pacific is actually a desert.


9. When you’re at sea, in the blink of an eye, the perfect day can shift so violently that you, your vessel, and anyone else aboard may never be found.


10. Afraid of sharks? They’re not the real villains. It’s estimated that the ratio of people killed by jellyfish compared to sharks is about 1000:1.


11. There are sea creatures that have three or more rows of teeth. Those teeth regrow if they get cut off.


12. When you swim in the ocean, you’re a silhouette to everything that can see.


13. Sharkskin isn’t so much “skin” as it is a dense network of teeth. Yep, sharks are literally, physically covered with teeth.


14. We have explored less than 5% of the world’s oceans.


15. The top ten feet of the ocean holds as much heat as our entire atmosphere.


16. Tuna are going extinct. Remember this when you bite into your next sandwich.


17. There are around 10 million viruses per milliliter of surface sea water. These bacteriophages may play an important role in the carbon cycle. Our very lives might be dependent on these viruses.


18. The USS Stein Incident–A navy destroyer has part of its bottom ripped off by an unknown species of colossal squid.

16 Incredible Science Facts You Didn’t Learn in School

There are basics of science and math that everyone knows. Everyone’s made the clay volcanoes in the classroom, and everyone’s had to memorize the five kingdoms of life and that π = mc (squared). But what about the other stuff? The cool stuff no one ever told you? Here are some mind-blowing things you didn’t know about our universe and the way it works.

1. The Moon

The moon used to be a lot closer to Earth than it is now. Back then it used to take only a few hours to orbit the earth, but now it takes about a full day because its orbit slows as it spirals outward.


2. Pizza Algebra

If a pizza has radius z and depth a, its volume is pi*z*z*a.


3. Fractions

1 + 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 + … equals 2,
1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4 + 1/5 + … is infinite.


4. Your Knees

The lubricant in your knees is one of the slipperiest substances known to man.


5. A Card Trick

Shuffle a deck of cards. Chances are (by a huge degree), that no shuffled deck of cards has ever been in that exact order. There are precisely ’52!’ Possible arrangements for a deck of 52 cards. This number, 8.1 x 10 ^ 67, is greater than the number of stars in the known universe.


6. The Number 9

Any factor of 9’s digital root will always be 9. (A digital root being the sum of all the digits)
For example:
1 x 9 = 9
13 x 9 = 117, 1+1+7 =9
185 x 9 = 1665, 1+6+6+5 = 18, 1+8 = 9
194385 x 9 = 1749465, 1+7+4+9+4+6+5 = 36, 3+6 = 9


7. The Hairy Ball Theorem

Essentially, this theorem states that if you have a billiard ball with hair growing out of it, you can’t comb the hair to lie flat everywhere, there will always be a part or a tuft sticking out.


8. Absolute Zero

You can cool something to absolute zero (almost) by shining lasers at it. Learn more here:


9. Gravity Trains

If you dropped any object into an airless, frictionless tunnel between any two points on Earth, it would take 42 minutes for that object to reach the other side of the tunnel. This is called a gravity train.


10. The Law of Conservation of Energy

Energy cannot be created nor destroyed.


11. The Banach-Tarski Paradox

According to this mathematic proof, you can take a ball, cut it up into pieces, and arrange those pieces to form two balls that are each identical to the original ball.


12. The Birthday Problem

Put 23 people in a room together and the probability of two of them sharing a birthday is 50%.
Put 70 people in that room and the odds are 99.9%.


13. Blood Vessels

There are 62,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body – laid end to end they would circle the earth 2.5 times.


14. Neutron Stars

A thimbleful of a neutron star would weigh over 100 million tons.


15. Millions, Billions, Trillions

One million seconds is eleven and a half days. One billion seconds is 31 and a half years. One trillion seconds is 31,709.8 years.


16. Heart Rates

All animals have different heart rate averages, but given the average lifetime, the total number of beats the animals heart does is in a lifetime is equal. In other words, a mouse heart beats much faster than a human’s, but it lives shorter, an elephant’s heart rate is slower than a human’s, but it lives longer.